Accident Mobility Car 10/10/19

Published: 27 January 2020

I suffer with several illnesses including MS.
My wife has Acute Anxiety Disorder to name just one.
She usually remains in the car mainly due to her condition and walking difficulties.

While I was in the local Coop Ilsham Road Torquay in 10/10/19, a large Lorry ( Company named Andegestion ) reversed into our car while my sick and mentally ill wife was sat in the passenger seat. She came screaming into the store and on examination saw the rear had some serious damage (see below).

rear of car with smashed window 

I was able to get her into the car, make it good enough to drive home and then called Motability. The Insurers, RSA, sent out a transporter to take the car away and supply a hired vehicle. So, all was fine with that part, however by then my wife was in meltdown so was advised to call RSA and make a claim for injuries. This I did through “Carpenters “, their appointed Solicitors, but who advised me that because my wife had mental health issues, couldn’t make any successful claim being essentially she was quite “MAD “ anyway. When I complained about the treatment by their senior claim handler they agreed to have my Wife’s current condition assessed by a qualified doctor, to which I took her.

He agreed that her state of mind had been exasperated by the collision and a period of six months or so would be required to see how she might improve. However to date she has only got worse.

This has made my own life hell and have suffered several MS attacks since the accident trying to cope with her accelerated form of AAD.

She is now frightened of everything, including when vehicles close by and so now is a prisoner in her own home. I am at my wits end, falling about like a drunk, due to MS seizures, even though I don’t drink or smoke.

The third-party Insurers refused to pay any compensation to either of us, based on case law that when people suffer Mental Traumas, from accidents. They would only consider claims from physically injured individuals and not those with a mental disorder.

Considering the car is owned by Motability and insured through RSA, who use Carpenters Solicitors, is an absolute insult to those suffering a mental disorder and then suffer acute trauma from an accident.

This needs to go all over the UK , showing the absolute contempt towards Mentally Ill people traumatised during an accident, in a vehicle owned by Motability, a charity and insured in partnership with Royal Sun Alliance with Carpenters Solicitors.

I already have major issues even walking, yet now after the MS attack brought on by this travesty of justice, fall about all the time. Bruised arms, legs, body and head since the attack. Then having to care for my sick wife too, I’m just collapsing as have nothing left to give.

Somebody, please pick up the Baton for me to help my wife and the many hundreds of thousands of mentally ill people who travel in vehicles, yet whom are excluded from claiming any Mental Health Trauma following a Road Accident.